It may seem counter-intuitive, but taking a pay cut and opting for a salary sacrifice scheme with an electric car can boost take-home pay thanks to tax and national insurance contribution (NIC) savings.
The importance of a well-drafted will
The risk of relying on homemade wills was highlighted in a recent case where a will was held to be invalid.
Landlord update on Renters Reform Bill
The Renters Reform Bill has finally completed its passage through the House of Commons with important concessions made in favour of landlords.
Have you overlooked a changed tax status?
With allowances frozen or cut, you may have underpaid tax for 2023/24.
Daily penalties come in for late self assessment returns
Around 1.1 million taxpayers who failed to submit the self assessment tax return for 2022/23 on 31 January 2024 now face a £10 daily penalty charge by HMRC.
The march of the higher rate taxpayer
New calculations issued alongside the Spring Budget show just how higher rate taxpaying status is becoming ever more common.
The end of multiple dwellings relief
The abolition of multiple dwellings relief under stamp duty land tax in England and Northern Ireland will impact buyers of multiple properties.
Request flexible working rights from day one
From 6 April, employees now have the right to request flexible working from their first day at work. However, the right is still only to make a request and employers are under no obligation to approve it.
Buy-to-let owners selling up
Changes to capital gains tax on UK residential property sales, including a 4% rate cut but lower annual exempt amount.
Deductibility of training costs
HMRC has recently published guidance to provide greater clarity about the tax deductibility of training costs for the self-employed.
New £500 Income Exemption for Trusts Starting 6 April 2024: Benefits and Complexities
The introduction of a £500 income exemption from 6 April 2024 will impact many trusts.
HMRC ramps up inheritance tax crack down
HMRC is currently busy with several ongoing checks. They are looking at IHT accounts, targeting undeclared dividend income