
From victory to Budget? Labour’s first 100 days

With a majority of over 200 and a weight of expectations, what happens next for Sir Kier Starmer’s new Labour government? The importance of the first 100 days of a new government cannot be understated. Within that period the new […]

New carer’s leave in effect

Employers need to be aware that since 6 April 2024, employees are entitled to take a week’s unpaid leave each year if they need to fulfil caring responsibilities for a dependant.

Child benefit charge changes confirmed

Taxpayers will benefit from the changes made to the high income child benefit charge thanks to all tax measures from the March 2024 Budget being enacted before parliament was prorogued.

The first election tax stories

Within one week of the surprise firing of the general election starting gun, both the Conservatives and Labour have been promoting their tax plans.

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