Why are engineers and manufacturers not putting themselves forward for funding?

Only 20% of businesses are accessing a large sum of money the Government set aside to help organisations – you’ll be surprised to learn the route to a large cash boost is through R&D tax credits.

Before you switch off when you see the phrase R&D tax credits, I’m keen to get the message across that the work you do every day is eligible for R&D tax credits. Therefore, you can inject a vital cash lump sum into your business that gives you choices and certainty for the future.

The cash lump sum is simply for work engineers and manufacturers do every day.

You are solving problems every day, overcoming daily challenges from a product or process standpoint and it is this work that satisfies the R&D eligibility criteria.

As accountants we know HMRC R&D tax credits really do help businesses grow. We also understand the claims process can seem scary.

Here are the top 5 biggest fears people have around R&D tax credits:

  1. ‘I’m not messing with HMRC – they’ll come and ask for their money back’

  2. ‘I’ve heard this is like PPI mis-selling’

  3. ‘No thanks I don’t do any of this R&D stuff – it takes too long’

  4. ‘I’ve been pestered so much by companies trying to sell me this’

  5. ‘You know they make a huge overstated claim and I’m not exposing my business to that’

Our clients have a hugely different view. With our support they received large lump sums that for example bought cranes and equipment and in turn helped generate more opportunities for the business.

Here’s what one client said about R&D Tax Credits:

‘Iain and his colleagues guided me through the process and helped me to claim a significant sum in R&D tax credits’ – Chris Hepburn, MD Ayrshire Precision

Ready to find out more?

Download our free R&D Ebook for Engineers & Manufacturers

It’s packed full of information about the benefits of R&D tax credits.

Jane Grant

Co-Director, Ammu